The University of Maryland helps provide information for research partners/contributors to facilitate crop production specific to their needs/products.  Access to information on this page is restricted to the SunSpectrum LLC and their customers.  

Factors that Affect Flowering:
What Factors Impact Flowering of Different Species (Erwin, 2016)
Determination of photoperiodic response group and effect of supplemental irradiance of flowering of several bedding plant species (Erwin and Warner, 2001).
​How does daylength affect flowering of spring annuals? (Erwin, Warner and Mattson, 2002).
​Fundamentals of flowering in plants:  Supplemental lighting and earliness of flowering (Erwin, Mattson and Warner, 2003).
Fundamentals of flowering in plants:  Juvenility in seed-propagated annuals and how supplemental lighting can affect it. (Erwin, Mattson and Warner, 2003).
Daylength effects on bedding plants I (Erwin, Warner and Mattson, 2004)
Saturating DLIs for flowering (Runkle and Blanchard, 2011).
Daily light integral & flowering of annuals (Blanchard and Runkle, 2010).
​Efficacy of lamp types at controlling flowering (Runkle, 2016).
Light effects on bedding plants (Erwin et al., 2017)

Light perception, signaling and plant responses to spectral quality and photoperiod in natural and horticultural environments. (Editorial, 2016).

Greenhouse herb and vegetable production – Part 3/4 – Greenhouse environment. Buechel, 2017. Grower services newsletter).
Light and Temperature effects on metabolite concentration in selected herbs and micro greens (Hoyen, 2017).
Effect of root-zone temperature on growth and quality of hydroponically grown red leaf lettuce (Lactua sativa L. cv. Red Wave)

​Light Conversion and Units:
Photometric, radiometric, and quantum light units of measure:  A review of procedures for introconversion (Thimijan and Heins. 1983).
Lighting Needs calculator

Lighting – General:
Light perception, signaling and plant responses to spectral quality and photoperiod in natural and horticultural environments (Editorial, 2016).
Toward an optimal spectral quality for plant growth and development: The importance of radiation capture. (Bugbee, 2016).
Light and Temperature effects on metabolite concentration in selected herbs and micro greens (Hoyen, 2017).

Daily Light Integral:
Lighting Up: part 14 (Verberkt, Heins and Blom. 2004).
Saturating DLIs for flowering (Runkle and Blanchard, 2011).
Daily light integral & flowering of annuals (Blanchard and Runkle, 2010).

Supplemental Lighting (Photosynthetic):
​Fundamentals of flowering in plants:  Supplemental lighting and earliness of flowering (Erwin, Mattson and Warner, 2003).
Saturating DLIs for flowering (Runkle and Blanchard, 2011).
Managing light during propagation (Lopez and Runkle, 2005).
LEDs versus HPS:  A reality check (Runkle, Nelosn, Bugbee, 2014).
The basics & beyond:  Understanding the differences between photoperiodic and supplemental lighting (Lopez, 2013)
​Growing seedlings under LEDs:  Part two (Wollaeger and Runkle, 2014)
​Photosynthetic responses of Swiss chard, kale, and spinach cultivars to irradiance and carbon dioxide concentration (Erwin and Gessick, 2017). 

Control Flowering with LEDs (Meng and Runkle).
​Growing seedlings under LEDs:  Part two (Wollaeger and Runkle, 2014)
Comparing LED lighting to HPS lamps for plug production (Randall and Lopez, 2013)
LED lighting in Controlled Environment Agriculture:  Energy evaluation, measurement and validation. (Outsource In novations, 2016. CRAD Final Report).
Light quality dependent changes in morphology, antioxidant capacity, and volatile production in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). Carvalho et al., 2016. Front. in Plant Sci., doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01328. 
Customizing crop foliage color with LEDs:  Red leaf lettuce. (Owen and Lopez, Greenhouse Grower, July, 2015).
Current status and recent achievements in the field of horticulture with the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (Bantis et al., 2018).
​Light signaling and plant responses to blue and UV radiations – Perspectives for applications in horticulture (Huche-Thelier et al., 2016).
Response of photosynthetic capacity of tomato leaves to different LED light wavelength (Yang et al., 2018).​​
Effect of red, blue, and white light-emitting diodes on the growth, development, and edible quality of hydroponically grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata). Lin et al., 2013).
Nutrient levels in Brassicaceae micro greens increase under tailored light-emitting diode spectra (Samuoliene et al., 2019).
Exploration of using light-emitting diode spectra to improve the quality and yield of micro greens in controlled environments (Ying, 2020).
Evaluation of growth and nutritional value of Brassica micro greens grown under red, blue and green LEDs combinations (Kamal et al., 2020).

Green Light:
Effect of green light wavelength and intensity on photomorphogenesis and photosynthesis of Lactuca sativa (Johkan et al., 2012).
Growing plants with green light (Runkle, GPN, June, 2017).

UV/Blue Light:
​Light signaling and plant responses to blue and UV radiations – Perspectives for applications in horticulture (Huche-Thelier et al., 2016).
Species-specific differences in  synthesis of flavonoids and phenolic acids under increased periods of enhanced blue light. (Taulavuori et al., 2016).
Applying blue light alone, or in combination with far-red light, during nighttime increases elongation without compromising yield and quality of indoor-grown micro greens (Ying et la., 2020).
Effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation in solid-state lighting on the growth and phytochemical content of micro greens (Brazaityte et al., 2015).

Red:Far-Red Lighting:
Plant responses to red and far-red lights, applications in horticulture (Demontes-Mainard et al., 2016).
An intermediate phytochrome photoequilibria from night-interruption lighting optimally promotes flowering of several long-day plants (Craig and Runkle, 2016).

​Red:Blue Lighting:
Physiological responses of cucumber seedlings under different blue and red photon flux ratios using LEDs (Hernandez and Kubota, 2016).
Effects of light intensity on the growth and leaf development of young tomato plants grown under a combination of red and blue light (Fan et al., 2013).
Tomato seedling physiological responses under different percentages of blue and red photon flux ratios using LEDs and cool white fluorescent lamps. (Hernandez et al., 2016).
Effects of blue and red LED lights on soilless cultivated strawberry growth performances and fruit quality. (Nadalini et al., 2017).

PV for greenhouse lighting

High Pressure Sodium Lights:
Comparing LED lighting to HPS lamps for plug production (Randall and Lopez, 2013)

Supplemental lighting (Photoperiodic):
Replacing INC with LEDs (Runkle, 2014).
Managing photoperiod in the greenhouse (Currey, Lopez, Runkle, 2013).
The basics & beyond:  Understanding the differences between photoperiodic and supplemental lighting (Lopez, 2013)

Cyclic Lighting:
Cyclic long-day lighting (Runkle, 2007).
Boom Lighting (Runkle and Heins, 2015).

Disease Control:
Influence of a surfactant in recirculating systems on plant mortality caused by zoosporic root-infecting pathogens. Stanghellini, AFE Special report #121:  Disease Management).

Edible Flowers:
Edible Flowers (Schwarze, 1994).

Herbs:  Organic greenhouse production
Nutrient management for greenhouse production of container-grown organic herbs
Nutrient management of organic greenhouse herb production:  Where are we now?
Evaluation of organic nutrient sources in the production of greenhouse hydroponic basil
Organic greenhouse container herb production in south Florida:  Fertilizer and potting media
Herb production in organic systems
Herbs:  Organic greenhouse production

Greenhouse humidity control (CropKing, Inc., 2017).

Effects of temperature DIF and Drop on the growth, quality, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of herbs (Islam et al., 2016)

Nutrient management for greenhouse production of container-grown organic herbs
Nutrient management of organic greenhouse herb production:  Where are we now?
Evaluation of organic nutrient sources in the production of greenhouse hydroponic basil
Organic greenhouse container herb production in south Florida:  Fertilizer and potting media
Producing hydroponic culinary herbs (Currey, 2014)
Iron deficiency of hydroponic leafy greens and herbs (Mattson, 1(8): April, 2016).

Disease management:
Disease Management – Influence of a surfactant in recirculating systems on plant mortality caused by zoosporic root-infecting pathogens.  (Stanghellini and Nielson, AFE Special Research Report #121)
BioSafe ppm Cheat Sheet.
​Greenhouse basil downy mildew (BioWorks).

Pest Control:
Commercially available biological control agents for common greenhouse insect pests (Wollaeger et la., 2015. Bulletin #3299).

Harvesting organically grown herbs

Food Safety:
Food safety guidelines for production, harvest, postharvest, and processing unit operations of fresh culinary herbs (2013)

Postharvest Handling of Herbs and Vegetables:
Harvest and Handling Considerations – Florida (Greenhouse Vegetable Production Handbook, Vol. 1)
Herbs, spices and essential oils:  post-harvest operations in developing countries
Prevention of post-harvest food losses:  Fruits vegetables and root crops.

Increase planting densities to increase hydroponic basil yields. (Walters and Currey, 2015. Greenhouse Grower, December)

Yield and chemical composition of basil herb depending on cultivar and folar feeding with nitrogen.
Susceptibility of basil cultivars and breeding lines to downy mildew (Peronospora belbahrii)
Evaluation of organic nutrient sources in the production of greenhouse hydroponic basil
Effective treatments for basil downy mildew
Evaluation of biopesticides for managing downy mildew in basil (2010)
Changes in the essential oil content and selected traits of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) as induced by foliar sprays of citric acid and salicylic acid (Mirzajani et al., 2015).
Artificial LED lighting enhances growth characteristics and total phenolic content of Ocimum basilicum, but variably affects transplant success. (Bantis et al., 2016).
The effect of UV-A supplemental lighting on antioxidant properties of Ocimum basilicum L. microgreens in greenhouse.  (2015)
Passive heat treatment of sweet basil crops suppresses Peronospora belbaharii downy mildew (Elad et al., 2016)
​Microbiological status and food safety compliance of commercial basil production systems. (Willeke et al., 2016).
Basil Fusarium wilt (Mattson and Daughtrey, e-Gro Edible Alert, 1(2): January 2016).
Managing air temperatures for basil growth and development (Walters and Currey, Greenhouse Grower, February 12, 2016).
Basil production (2012).
Growth, yield, plant quality and nutrition of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under soilless agricultural systems (Saha et al., Ann Agri. Sci., 61:181-186; 2016).
Basil (FDA; 2015)
How to grow basil and cilantro using hydroponics (Morgan, 2017).
Managing electrical conductivity (EC) for hydroponic basil production. (Walters and Currey, 2016. Greenhouse Grower, January, 52-56.
Increase planting densities to increase hydroponic basil yields. (Walters and Currey, 2015. Greenhouse Grower, December)
Winter greenhouse production and tissue culture of basil (Ocimum spp.). Wei, 2016. MS Thesis, University of Nebraska).
Growing basil in hydroponics?  Read this first. (Storey, 2016. Crops & Growing Science).
Light quality dependent changes in morphology, antioxidant capacity, and volatile production in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). Carvalho et al., 2016. Front. in Plant Sci., doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01328. 
Light and Temperature effects on metabolite concentration in selected herbs and micro greens (Hoyen, 2017).

How to grow basil and cilantro using hydroponics (Morgan, 2017).
Greenhouse production of garlic chives and cilantro (Anderson and Jia, 1996. Progress in new crops. 594-597).

Cut Herbs:
Field Grown Herbs (CALU technical notes (020502, 2006))

Potted Herbs:
Success with container production of twelve herb species (Gibson, Whipker and Cloyd)

Production System:
Growing produce in a floating system (Melendez, 2013)
Growing hydroponic leafy greens (Mattson, GPN Magazine, October 2016).

Greenhouse humidity control (CropKing, Inc., 2017).

Specialty lettuce & greens:  organic production (ATTRA, 2002)

Iron deficiency of hydroponic leafy greens and herbs (Mattson, 1(8): April, 2016).

Disease Management:
Disease Management – Influence of a surfactant in recirculating systems on plant mortality caused by zoosporic root-infecting pathogens.  (Stanghellini and Nielson, AFE Special Research Report #121)
Management of Fusarium wilt in lettuce (Gordon and Koike, 2015. Crop Protect., 73:45-49.

Pest Control:
Commercially available biological control agents for common greenhouse insect pests (Wollaeger et la., 2015. Bulletin #3299).

Specialty lettuce & greens:  organic production (ATTRA, 2002)
Tipburn of hydroponic lettuce (Mattson, e-Gro Alert 4(31), April 2015).
Symptoms of common nutrient deficiencies in hydroponic lettuce (Mattson and Merrill, #2015.09. October 2015)
​Hydroponic Lettuce Production. (Kaiser and Ernst, 2016. Univ of Kentucky, CCD-CP-63).
Customizing crop foliage color with LEDs:  Red leaf lettuce. (Owen and Lopez, Greenhouse Grower, July, 2015).
Effect of root-zone temperature on growth and quality of hydroponically grown red leaf lettuce (Lactua sativa L. cv. Red Wave) , (Sakamoto and Suzuki, 2015).​
Shoot and root temperature effects on Lettuce growth in a floating hydroponic systemm. (Thompson and Langhans, 1998).

Hydroponic spinach production handbook. (Brechner and Villiers. Cornell Univ. CEA Program). 

Specialty Greens:
Effect of light and temperature on seed germination of selected African leafy vegetables. (Motysa et al., 2015. South Afr. J. Bot., 99:29-35.

Microgreens (Kaiser and Ernest, 2012. Univ. of Kentucky).
Nutrient levels in Brassicaceae micro greens increase under tailored light-emitting diode spectra (Samuoliene et al., 2019).
Applying blue light alone, or in combination with far-red light, during nighttime increases elongation without compromising yield and quality of indoor-grown micro greens (Ying et la., 2020).
Exploration of using light-emitting diode spectra to improve the quality and yield of micro greens in controlled environments (Ying, 2020).
Effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation in solid-state lighting on the growth and phytochemical content of micro greens (Brazaityte et al., 2015).
Evaluation of growth and nutritional value of Brassica micro greens grown under red, blue and green LEDs combinations (Kamal et al., 2020).
Light and Temperature effects on metabolite concentration in selected herbs and micro greens (Hoyen, 2017).

Sprouts (Univ. of Kentucky, 2012)


Effects of LED light on the production of strawberry during cultivation in a plastic greenhouse and in a growth chamber. (Choi et al., 2015).
Variety comparison of effect of supplemental lighting with LED on growth and yield in forcing culture of strawberry. (Hidaka et al., 2015).
Effects of blue and red LED lights on soilless cultivated strawberry growth performances and fruit quality. (Nadalini et al., 2017).